Please deposit your rent payment directly into the bank. It’s quick and easy.

West Liberty State Bank

101 E 4th Street, West Liberty, IA 52776 (319) 627-2191


  1. Bring your rent money to the bank and tell the bank teller you are paying rent to Porvenir Properties.
  2. They will give you a receipt of your deposit.

If you can’t get to the bank during their open hours

  1. Put your rent into an envelope

  2. Write Porvenir Properties Rent Payment on the envelope (write clearly!)

  3. Write your name on the envelope (write clearly!)

  4. Write your address on the envelope (write clearly!)

  5. Drop it into the after-hours deposit box outside the bank door (the grey box in the wall in the picture below)

    If you have any questions, please call or text Ethan at 563-260-4474.

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